Blog | Top Down Cleaning, L
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Ink & paint... the perfect way to ruin fresh paint, new cabinets or your beautiful flooring. What should you do if you spill ink or paint? Call the professionals at Top Down Cleaning! We are trained and have the proper tools and equipment to attempt salvaging the aesthetics of your home or business! Any failed attempts or tricks read online could potentially cause more damage. If you find yourself in this position, place a damp rag or towel over the spill and call us at 515-412-4504. We can provide further advice on how to proceed until help arrives!

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Are you moving? Just purchase a new home? A deep clean both before and after you move is a great way to ensure peace of mind in your recent or upcoming transaction!

In a home you're selling, a deep clean ensures that your home is as clean as possible - thus increasing your chances of a quick sale. A clean home will increase appeal to the future owners of your home!

In a home you're buying, a deep clean allows you peace of mind that germs, dust or debris left behind by the old owners are gone and that your family can enjoy their new space without worries of sickness from left behind filth!

Call today and let us show you what clean means! 515-412-4504

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Germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens thrive in a dirty environment. They multiply at a rapid rate and feed off of each other posing health risks for all those around. Disinfection is an art that takes time, effort and knowledge to be effective. At Top Down Cleaning - all disinfection jobs begin with a thorough, deep cleaning to rid the areas of dirt and dust. After a deep cleaning, the disinfection process starts. We use CDC, EPA and FDA approved and licensed chemicals as directed to ensure areas are disinfected effectively. A recurring cleaning service is a great way to stay on top of disinfection and allow your home or business to be and remain as safe as possible for your family, guests or patrons to your business.

Call us today at 515-412-4504 and let us show you what clean means!

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